Millie Milk Capstone
My capstone brief was to create a project that displayed my skills in Communication design. I created Millie Milk which was an alternative milk brand based in Melbourne. Almond, soy and coconut milk were some of the most popular kinds of milk so I chose to create packaging for each of the milks. One of my first tasks was creating mood boards displaying my chosen brand elements and principles which were line, shape, colour, and movement. From start to finish I continued to reference my mood boards to make sure I was designing packaging that matched my chosen brand elements and principles.
I used Procreate to draw the pattern of flowing lines on the packaging and then edited the pattern onto a dieline I had created in Illustrator. The royal blue colour worked well and contrasted with the white box packaging, so it then become the main colour theme of my brand. When creating the logo, I knew the letter M would be included but I wanted to emphasise it and make it the main focal point so it could be included in branding. Line, shape, colour, and movement were all emphasised, and each brand element and principle was achieved.